This is Fancy! Unfortunately we are not able to keep this sweet girl in our program. She will be looking for a new family to call her own. She has been the best puppy ever! She is a Black Tri Female that is 4 months old with one blue eye. She weights 5.8 pounds. Expected to be a medium size Toy. She is up to date on vaccinations and rabies. She is as sweet as can be! A total love bug that loves her belly rubbed. She is litter box trained and 95% house trained. She is create trained and leash train. She knows a ton of tricks! Sit, Lay down, Go through your legs, circle left, circle right, touch, shake, go to bed, go to kennel, in box and on box. She has been to Puppy Class and was a role model student! She would make the perfect addition to someones family. Fancy is available now. Pre-deposit list does not apply for her.